Thursday, September 17, 2015

Falling in Love #119

Falling in Love #119 (On Sale: September 17, 1970) has another sexy cover by Nick Cardy.

We begin with "Love Me Forever Marry Me Never" inked by Bernard Sachs. When her boyfriend ask Myrna to marry him, she sends him out of her life, just as she has all the boys who proposed. She can't marry anybody because she must take care of her mother, who she has promised to provide for.  

One day while walking down the street wearing a new hat her mother had knitted for her, photographer Keith Stockbridge takes her picture. He is the heir to a department store fortune, but after they start dating he soon lets her know that he is going to make it on his own as a photographer and will not have money to support both her and her mother. A few weeks later her mother is ecstatic when she gets a new job at Stockbridge Department store making hats. It seems Keith was able to find a solution to Myrna's problem and is able to marry her.

Next is "What Every Girl Should Know" drawn by Lee Elias. Julie is bored with the guys she has been dating, which she could meet a man more like her father. When an old friend of her father's, Vincent Pryor come over for dinner, Julie learns he is widowed and as the days roll by she can't get him out of her mind. 

They meet again a few weeks later and eventually begin to date, but things go south when Vincent begins to feel jealous of Julie's school friends and realizes he is taking her away from what should be her life with people her own age. He decides to move away, but Julie stops him and lets him know that it is in his arms she wants to be.

That is followed by "Loser at Love" drawn by Carmine Infantino and Bernard Sachs and reprinted from Secret Hearts #37. When Amy's boyfriend, Kenneth, moves to the city to save up enough money so they can marry, she is happy, until his letters to her start mentioning a coworker named Joan. When her father suggests she too move to the city for a change of scene, Amy jumps at the opportunity. Ken has arraigned for her to stay with Joan, but she soon finds out her suspicions about Joan were not without cause. One day on the ski slopes the two women have it out and Joan admits she has eyes on Kenneth and plans to steal him away from Amy. But Ken overheard the conversation and makes it clear that he still intends to marry Amy. 

We conclude this issue with a one-page "Beauty on a Budget" by Liz Berube

Edited by Murray Boltinoff.

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