"Witch Hunt – 1969" is written and penciled by Mike Sekowsky and inked by George Roussos. It looks like Sekowsky was trying to get on the horror/mystery bandwagon that was picking up steam at DC, even if only for an issue. The Coven of Seven, a group of male witches, use incantations to summon demons and to darken the world. As the skies and streets darken, demons begin attacking people on the street and at a folk music performance by Ledby Hand and Tinker, then band of the new human-looking Metal Men, Lead and Tin. When Tin turns up the house lights the demons disappear.
When the demons attack a subway car., Jon Mann, Iron of the Metal Men, removes the synthetic flesh from his arm and enters the fray. He is able to chase the demons away. After safely dealing with the subway car, Iron contacts Mister Conan, the billionaire who gave them their human personas. He meets Conan and talks to the other Metal Men thru closed-circuit TV. Conan introduces the team to Doctor Honorius, who explains the threat posed by the Coven of Seven. They learn that the darkness that has come to the skies seems to be concentrated in Chelsea.
Fighting demons along the way, while still maintaining their disguises as humans, the Metal Men locate the Coven of Seven in an old building in Chelsea. The Coven cuts the lights and plunging the room into darkness, make their escape. The Metal Men decide to split up and cover all possible exits.
Mercury chases two coven members exiting through a side door, into the garage, where he meets up with Lead and Tin who are dealing with two more members of the Coven of Seven. The members try to run over Lead and Tin, but the two members Mercury is chasing run out in front of the car. The car crashes into some fuel barrels and explodes killing for of the Coven of Seven.
Two more coven members are chased in an elevator room by Gold and Platinum. The coven members attempt to flee bay shape-shifting, but are trapped every time they do. When they shape-shift into spiders, Platinum stamps them to death in a fit of arachnophobia.
When Iron corners the last coven member, he is attacked by more demons. Exposing his iron hand he is able to fight them off and they all attempt to flee. The last member leaps out a window to his death. As he dies the skies begin to lighten.
Edited by Mike Sekowsky.
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