The full-length Flash tale "The Death-Touch of the Blue Ghost" is by John Broome, Ross Andru and Mike Esposito. Barry and Iris go on vacation with Wally West near the town of Blue Valley. Wally discovers that Blue Valley is a landing site for alien lizards. As Kid Flash, he encounters one of the aliens. Before he and the Flash can investigate, Iris calls them to dinner and falls victim to an alien aging disease.
Flash and Kid Flash find the aliens, but are captured. The aliens, the Azurans, explain that their migration ships frequently refuel on Earth and they refuse to stop their migration. Kid Flash is artificially aged to make him stronger and he and the Flash are able to force the aliens to stop and return to Earth. Flash uses a cure to restore Iris's youth. Kid Flash is also returned to his normal age before the aliens leave Earth forever.
Edited by Julius Schwartz.
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