Wednesday, March 23, 2016

World's Finest Comics #202

World's Finest Comics #202 (On Sale: March 23, 1971), has a cover by Neal Adams and Dick Giordano.

This issue features Superman and Batman in "Vengeance of the Tomb-Thing" by Denny O'Neil, Dick Dillin, and Joe Giella. Lois Lane is assignment in the desert with Dr. Harkley, an archaeologist who has uncovered the tomb of King Malis. Desert raiders led by Bedouin Brakh attack the camp. The raiders are aided by a malfunctioning Superman robot. Batman hears the news and comes to the aid of the expedition. He is captured and enslaved by the robot. 

When the real Superman learns what happened, he heads for the tomb and disables the robot. However, the tomb is opened. King Malis emerges. His head is a glowing orb with the power of a red sun which robs Superman of his powers. Despite the weakness, Superman teams with Batman to ultimately defeat Malis, who is also revealed to be a robot. Reprinted in Best of DC #20 (1982) and Showcase Presents: World's Finest Vol. 4 TPB (2013).

Edited by Julius Schwartz.

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