We began with Binky in "The Miss-Understanding" drawn by Winslow Mortimer and Henry Scarpelli. While helping the girls decorate their sorority for a party, Binky slips off a ladder. The other girls come to help him up just as Binky's girl, Peggy, comes back into the room. Thinking Binky is making a play for the girls she throws him out. Eventually Binky goes to the local newspaper to seek relationship advice from Miss Ann Martin, the Advice to the Lovelorn columnist. Miss Ann Martin ends up being a man who tell Binky to ignore his girl to get her back. One the way out he sees Peggy also going into the newspaper office. She too is seeking advice from Miss Ann Martin. The columnist takes Peggy to lunch and they see Binky, who ignores her. When Peggy finds out he is only doing what the columnist told him to do, she runs to Binky saying that no one is going to give them relationship advice.
Next is "Don't Be Mod, Pop" which looks like it is drawn by Henri Scarpelli. Peggy asks Benny to go into town with her to try on some close she is getting someone for a birthday present. Benny is sure the clothes are for Binky and can't believe how unhip and conservative the outfit she picks out is. Benny offers to pick them up for her later and when he does so, he changes the clothing to something more Binky's style. Unfortunately, the clothes were for her father.
Next is Dopey in "The Preparation," a one-pager gag about getting prepared to give Dopey the dog a bath.
That is followed by Binky again in "Careful Living," which is reprinted from Leave It To Binky #56. When Binky sees a list of his father's insurance tables he become worried about getting into an accident. When his father offers him his car for a date, Binky declines, saying he would rather walk. Peggy is a little miffed when Binky shows up late, having walked to her house. He then begins to question every step he takes: are the steps up to code, are the cracks in the sidewalk too large? When it begins to rain, they hail a cab, which Binky has to be talked into getting inside of. Finally at the movies, Binky worries about each thing the actors are doing and how dangerous they are. Peggy is tired of Binky's rants and leaves the movie. Binky follows and takes Peggy to a soda shop to make up for it. When they get home Binky starts to recite the dangers of marriage and Peggy hit him over the head with a picture.
We end with Binky in "'Li'l Allergy's Pet Project." When Uncle Horatio visits he leaves his parrot, Captain Bligh, with Allergy. When Allergy makes the bird a snack the parrot suggest that he reward himself with some cookies. When Allergy's mom comes looking for him, the bird says he is stealing cookies and Allergy has to stand in the corner. When Allergy's new teacher shows up to get acquainted, the bird imitates Allery's voice and insults her. Allergy is sent to his room for the night where he makes plans to get even with the bird in the morning using some exploding cigars he has.
That night, when burglars try to break in, Captain Bligh scares them away be roaring like a lion. Allergy's dad makes the bird a muffin and Allergy give him the cigar, which blows off all his feathers. The bird reattaches his feathers just as Uncle Horatio returns. As he leaves he give Allergy $5.00 for watching his bird. As he leaves you can see another relative coming up the drive with an elephant in tow.
Edited by Joe Orlando.
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