Girls' Romances #128 (On Sale: August 24, 1967) has an interesting cover by
Jay Scott Pike.
Inside we begin with
"I Wish I Could Love You" by persons unknown, followed by
"Don't Stop Loving Me" a reprint from
Secret Hearts #69 by
Arthur Peddy and
Bernard Sachs. Lastly is our cover story, continued from last issue:
"We'll Never Meet Again Part II" drawn by
Jay Scott Pike.As usual we have not a lot of detail in the romance books. However, there is something I find interesting about this particular book.

The "arms held back, breasts pushed forward" shot utilized on this cover was a popular one over the years. Check out this beautiful
Neal Adams All-Star Western cover for another example. In the interior of this book the wonderful and never forgotten
Gray Morrow did another version of this scene which also prominently featured an incredible thrusting chest.
Edited by
Barbara Friedlander.
i have this issue of ASW. some great work in those books, to say nothing of the beautiful covers. lets get an Archive edition going!
Yeah, I have them all. Great artwork on these books: Adams, Aparo, DeZuniga, Kane, Morrow and Weiss. If only they could have gotten an El Diablo issue by Al Williamson!
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