Inside we have "The Boy Who Hoaxed Superman" from Superman's Pal Jimmy Olsen #31 by Otto Binder, Curt Swan and Ray Burnley. Jimmy is upset that Perry White does not respect his reporting skills, so he pretends to allow himself to be frozen in ice for a thousand years. The deception is quickly discovered by Superman, who realizes Jimmy is trying to trick Perry.
Jimmy returns to the Daily Planet, disguised as Gilbert Knox. He takes Jimmy’s job and tries to become a flop as a reporter. Superman however ensures that Gilbert is a success. Perry promotes Gilbert to Jimmy’s dismay, but the boy reporter eventually realizes that he is getting what he wants after all as Gilbert instead of Jimmy.
Next is "The Super-Lad of Space" from Superman's Pal Jimmy Olsen #39 by Otto Binder, Curt Swan and John Forte. Jimmy stows away on a space ship that lands on the distant planet of Zolium. The atmosphere on Zolium gives Jimmy powers similar to Superman’s. Jimmy becomes the planet’s super-hero, but he is unable to establish a secret identity because the citizens all recognize him. When Superman arrives to take Jimmy home, Jimmy learns that the Zolians could read his mind, which is what gave away his secret identity each time.
Next we have "The Wolf-Man of Metropolis" from Superman's Pal Jimmy Olsen #44 by Otto Binder, Curt Swan and Stan Kaye. Jimmy drinks a potion that Superman has found. The potion causes him to become a Wolf-Man at night. He is embarrassed by the dilemma, but is able to explain his appearance for three nights. Only the kiss of a beautiful girl can restore him to normal, but he is so ugly no one will kiss him.
The next story is "The Boy in Superman's Body" from Superman #111 (where it was called "The Non-Super Superman") by Otto Binder, Ruben Moreira and Al Plastino. Superman brings Jimmy a trophy he found on an alien world. The device switches Jimmy’s mind with Superman’s for 12 hours. During this time Jimmy uses his powers to make rescues, but he does not have the experience of Superman. When Jimmy finds Clark Kent’s clothes in the pouch of his cape and learns Superman’s secret identity, he reveals it to Lois.
Next is "The Giant Turtle Man" from Superman's Pal Jimmy Olsen #53 by Jerry Siegel, Curt Swan and John Forte. Jimmy discovers a strange chest on the beach which contains an enlarging ray. He accidentally hits a turtle with the ray and with the turtle acting as a filter, the ray strikes Jimmy as well. He is transformed into a giant turtle man and falls under the influence of Goxo, an Atlantean criminal who invented the growth ray.
Jimmy's next transformation is into "The Elastic Lad of Metropolis" from Superman's Pal Jimmy Olsen #37 by Otto Binder, Curt Swan and George Klein.In the Daily Planet offices, Jimmy and Clark both accidentally drink a serum created by Professor Potter. The serum gives Jimmy the ability to stretch his body to great lengths, as he had done previously as Elastic Lad. Clark, being invulnerable, is not affected by the serum, leading his friends to suspect he is Superman.
Jimmy resumes his Elastic Lad identity and plays baseball with Superman. Later his face is covered with green paint. People nearby chase him, suspecting he is an alien. Jimmy gets away and cleans off the paint.
Next is "The Mystery of the Tiny Supermen" from Superman's Pal Jimmy Olsen #48 by Otto Binder, Curt Swan and John Forte. While Superman is away, Jimmy is rescued by a group of tiny supermen called the Superman Emergency Squad. Jimmy is the only one around when they appear and Perry White believes they are only exist in Jimmy’s dreams.
The final story is "The Boy Witch Doctor" from Superman's Pal Jimmy Olsen #58 by Jerry Siegel, Curt Swan and George Klein. The staff of the Daily Planet travels to Meteor Island where a movie about the Jungle King is being filmed. Lucy Lane is playing the part of a jungle girl and is there as well. A local witch doctor, Mbongu, tries to chase the people away, but he takes ill. Jimmy enters his hut and discovers voodoo dolls. The boy reporter dresses as the witch doctor and is surprised to discover the voodoo dolls really work.
Jimmy is later confronted by the star of the movie who is really a wanted felon, Duke Brannigan. Brannigan forces Jimmy to use the voodoo magic on Superman which he does. Superman falls victim, while Duke reveals his identity to Jimmy.
Edited by Mort Weisinger.
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