The book-length "Dr. Dome's Dame of Doom" was written by the recently departed Arnold Drake (we miss you Arnold) and was drawn by Winslow Mortimer. In it, Dr. Dome hires Madam Merciless to bring Plastic Man under his control. The woman attempts to hypnotize Plas. Her first attempt fails, but Plastic Man plays along. After drugging Plas, Madam Merciless gets another chance to bring him under control with the help of her witch doctors.
Character Background (from Wikipedia)
Plastic Man (Patrick "Eel" O'Brian) is a comic-book superhero originally published by Quality Comics and later acquired by DC Comics. Created by writer-artist Jack Cole, he first appeared in Police Comics #1 (August 1941). Plastic Man's powers are derived from an accident in which his body was bathed in an unknown industrial chemical mixture that also entered into his bloodstream through a gunshot wound. This caused a body-wide mutagenic process that transformed his physiology.
Plastic Man can stretch his limbs and body to superhuman shapes, lengths and sizes, with flexibility and coordination extraordinarily beyond the natural limits of the human body. He can become entirely flat so that he can slip under a door, use his fingers to pick conventional locks, pose as inanimate objects such as vehicles or pieces of furniture, and disguise himself by changing the shape of his face. There is no known limit to how far he can stretch his body. The only limitation he has relates to color, which he cannot change without intense concentration, so he is usually limited to his trademark colour scheme of red, yellow, black and flesh-coloured.
One of Quality Comics' signature characters during the period historians and fans call the Golden Age of Comic Books, Plastic Man can stretch his body into any imaginable form. His adventures were known for their quirky, offbeat structure and surreal slapstick humor. When Quality Comics was shut down in 1956, DC Comics acquired many of its characters, integrating Plastic Man into the mainstream DC universe. The character has starred in several short-lived DC series (this being one of them), as well as a Saturday morning cartoon series in the early 1980s.
Edited by Murray Boltinoff.
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