Friday, June 3, 2016

World's Finest Comics #204

World's Finest Comics #204 (On Sale: June 3, 1971), has a stunning Superman/Wonder Woman cover by Neal Adams. Diana Prince never looked so sexy.

We begin with Superman and Wonder Woman in "Journey to the End of Hope" by Denny O'Neil, Dick Dillin, and Joe Giella. When Clark and Diana get matched by a computer dating service, their date takes an unexpected turn when they suddenly find themselves transported to the year 2171 by another computer, in hopes of averting Earth's future fate where Earth has become a desolate wasteland.

Our first backup tale is Captain Comet in "The Guardians of the Clockwork Universe" by John Broome, Murphy Anderson, and Sy Barry and reprinted from Strange Adventures #22 (1952). Captain Comet is enlisted by a race known as the Guardians of the Universe (not the same does that would appear later in Green Lantern, but where Broome may have gotten the idea for them). The Guardians are responsible for monitoring the planets and other celestial bodies to ensure they are kept in proper motion lest the entire universe stop. The rulers of the planet Lukan are seeking to move their planet closer to their sun which would throw off the cosmic balance.

Captain Comet is dispatched to Lukan to stop the evil rulers. Once on the planet, he discovers his old friend Radea was also sent by the Guardians and is now a captive. He rescues the girl and defeats the crystal beings of Lukan. Comet then drops Radea off on her own world before returning to Earth.

We end with Green Arrow in "The Rogue of 1,000 Ropes" drawn by George Papp and reprinted from Adventure Comics #176 (1952).

Edited by Julius Schwartz.

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