Friday, June 3, 2016

Swing With Scooter #35

Swing With Scooter #35 (On Sale: June 3, 1971), has a cover by Stan Goldberg and Henry Scarpelli. This is the last regularly scheduled issue of Swing With Scooter. There will be an issue #36, but by the time we see it, DC books will be 32 pages again and cost 20 cents.

We begin with Scooter and Sylvester in "The Supernut" by John Albano, Stan Goldberg, and Henry Scarpelli. After a clothes-changing accident in a phone booth, Sylvester ends up in Superman's costume, while the real Superman fights a monster.

Next up is Scooter in "Sylvester... Son of Ahbu" drawn by Henry Scarpelli and reprinted from Swing With Scooter #14 (1968). Sylvester is mistaken for the son of a pasha and kidnapped.

We follow that with Scooter in "Sink or Swim" drawn by Henry Scarpelli and reprinted from Swing With Scooter #15 (1968). Scooter needs to raise some cash when he breaks a statue at his aunt's house, so he gets a lifeguard job from Penny's dad, even though he can't swim.

Next we have an untitled Penny and Cookie one-pager drawn by Henry Scarpelli and reprinted from Swing With Scooter #18 (1969). Penny takes drastic steps to meet a lifeguard.

We end this last regularly scheduled issue of Swing with Scooter with a Scooter and Sylvester tale: "The Cross-Eyed Pussycat" by John Albano, Stan Goldberg, and Henry Scarpelli. Sylvester thinks he has magical powers (thanks to Pussycat). This tale was reprinted in Best of DC #53 (1984).

Edited by Joe Orlando.

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