Friday, June 24, 2016

Girls' Love Stories #161

Girls' Love Stories #161 (On Sale: June 24, 1971), has a cover by Bob Oksner.

We begin this issue with "Take Me As I Am" drawn by John Rosenberger. Kathy wants to change her boyfriend Wayne after her friend Sharon points out some of his flaws, and she nearly loses him for good.

Next up is "The Magic of Love" drawn by Werner Roth and reprinted from Secret Hearts #58 (1959). Hank just happened to be the first guy Cathy met in her new town. Nothing special, but they found the most interesting places...romantic places. If only she were with the right guy. It's when she meets the "right guy" that she finds the "magic" wasn't in the places, but with the "right guy."

That is followed by "Port of Hope" drawn by Frank Bolle and reprinted from Girls' Romances #103 (1964). On a Mexican vacation, Donna falls for Dirk, an artist, but she wonders whether it's just a summer romance or something more.

Next, we have "Kissing Cousins" drawn by Jay Scott Pike and reprinted from Young Romance #130 (1964). Louise invites her cousin Trudy to stay with her while Trudy looks for an apartment, but Trudy immediately sets out to steal Louise's fiance.

We end the issue with "Summer Sweetheart" by creators unknown. Ginny is determined to attract the attention of rich Hal Gorham and thinks she's succeeded when they start to date. Meanwhile, Tom, the local guy who really loves her, waits patiently for the chance to prove he's the better man.

Edited by Dorothy Woolfolk.

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