Thursday, December 3, 2015

Swing With Scooter #32

Swing With Scooter #32 (On Sale: December 3, 1970), has a cover by Henry Scarpelli and Stan Goldberg

We begin with Scooter in  "Hex the Falling Star"  inked by Henry Scarpelli. Scooter and Sylvester help Elvis West, a singing star who was hexed by a jealous competitor.

Next are Penny and Cookie in "The Cat That Stole" by John Albano,  Stan Goldberg, and Henry Scarpelli. Pussycat is stealing things, but all is forgiven when his kleptomaniac ways foil a robbery. This story was reprinted in Best of DC #45 (1984).

Next, we have Scooter in "Vote for Miss Noble" by John Albano, Stan Goldberg, and Henry Scarpelli. Scooter and Sylvester campaign for pretty Nancy Noble but their help becomes a liability in the election. This story was reprinted in Best of DC #70 (1986).

That is followed by Sylvester in "Too Much Is Too Much" drawn by Stan Goldberg, and Henry Scarpelli. Sylvester is helpful to a crabby old woman in hopes of an inheritance someday.

Next Scooter and Penny star in "The Date" drawn by Stan Goldberg, and Henry Scarpelli. Penny thinks Scooter is faking illness to get out of their date.

That leads us to Sylvester in "The Voice That Failed" drawn by Winslow Mortimer and Henry Scarpelli. When Malibu plays a trick on Sylvester with ventriloquism, Sylvester tries to learn how to throw his voice as well.

Next, we have Scooter in "Caught in the Act" inked by Henry Scarpelli. Mr. Otis tries to catch the boys doing something wrong.

We end with Scooter in "Present for a Sassy Kid"  by Barbara Friedlander, Stan Goldberg, and Henry Scarpelli. Scooter and Sylvester try to provide a nice Christmas for a young boy. This story was reprinted in Best of DC #70 (1986).

Edited by Joe Orlando.

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