Thursday, December 17, 2015

Heart Throbs #130

Heart Throbs #130 (On Sale: December 17, 1970), has a cover by Tony DeZuniga.

We begin this issue with "Like Father, Like Daughter!" drawn by John Rosenberger. Cindy's mother is constantly worried that people will learn that her father is in a mental institution. Cindy's secretiveness makes her unpopular at school, but she eventually meets Ted and confides in him. He assures her that his parents will not care, but they are secretly plotting to break up the young romance. Reprinted in Heart Throbs: The Best of DC Romance Comics HC (1979) and Heart Throbs: The Best of DC Romance Comics SC (1979).

Next, we have "Guilty Heart" drawn by John Forte and Bernard Sachs. When Pam's cousin Roy dies in a diving accident she blames herself. She meets Charles and falls in love with him, but steps aside when Roy's girlfriend Enid says she's interested in Charles. Reprinted from Heart Throbs #60 (1957 series).

That is followed by "My Heart -- My Enemy!" drawn by Nick Cardy. Nina's bad experiences with boys cause her to give bad advice to her younger sister Phyllis.

Next is a Beauty on a Budget text page by Liz Berube.

A half-page story, "Uptight" drawn by Winslow Mortimer is next. A lesson in being nice.

We end with "Made for Each Other!" drawn by Don Heck. Jean works for a computer dating service, and when a new client, Paul, comes in, she contrives to be matched up with him.

Edited by Joe Orlando.

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