Thursday, December 31, 2015

Action Comics #397

Action Comics #397 (On Sale: December 31, 1970), has a great Superman cover by Carmine Infantino and Murphy Anderson.

Our imaginary story continues from the last issue, "Secret of the Wheel-Chair Superman" is by Leo Dorfman, Curt Swan, and Murphy Anderson. Jimmy Olsen finds Superman panhandling on the street in front of the Daily Planet. Jimmy follows Superman back to an abandoned tenement where he now lives. Superman explains how he lost his powers. He also introduces Jimmy to two scientists who are dying from the plague.

Jimmy takes Superman to a neurologist who believes Superman's loss of power is due to a mental block. The condition originated when Superman began to feel unneeded due to advances in modern technology. Later, when his tenement catches fire, Superman is able to overcome his disability to save the two scientists.

With his powers restored, Superman plans a return. However, modern advances are still able to perform his mission better than he can. Superman sets off into space to begin a new mission on another world.

Our backup Superman story is an Untold Tale of the Fortress"The Super Captive of the Sea" also produced by Leo Dorfman, Curt Swan, and Murphy Anderson. A pollution cloud from space enters Earth's atmosphere and causes Superman's powers to malfunction. He takes refuge underwater and uses his old undersea Fortress as a base. While remaining underwater, Superman uses his powers and ingenuity to solve several emergency situations. Eventually, two aliens reveal themselves and their plans to take Superman back to their aquatic world. The pollution cloud and emergencies were all designed to test Superman's ability to operate while submerged. Superman tricks the aliens into releasing him. He then sends them home before ridding the Earth of the pollution cloud.

Edited by Murray Boltinoff.

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