Friday, April 1, 2016

Forever People #3

Forever People #3 (On Sale: April 1, 1971), has an odd cover by Jack Kirby and Vinny Colletta. I don't think the composition works and the coloring looks like a 5-year-old did it. 

This issue features "Life Vs. Anti-Life" written and penciled by Jack Kirby and inked by Vince Colletta. The Forever People are confronted by the menace of Glorious Godfrey, one of Darkseid's lieutenants, an evangelist who preaches the concept of anti-life and recruits people to become fanatical "Justifiers" who destroy and kill on command. 

The Forever People unite to battle Godfrey as the Infinity Man, but Darkseid appears, banishes the Infinity Man, restores the Forever People, and delivers them as captives to DeSaad. Reprinted in Jack Kirby's Forever People TPB (1999), Jack Kirby's Fourth World Omnibus Vol. 1 HC (2007), Jack Kirby's Fourth World Omnibus Vol. 1 TPB (2012), and Forever People by Jack Kirby TPB (2021).

Edited by Jack Kirby.

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