Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Heart Throbs #132

Heart Throbs #132 (On Sale: April 20, 1971), has a cover by, well, who knows? Some say this is Creig Flessel, but I seriously doubt it. He had not worked for DC in ten years and would not start back for two more. The woman reminds me of Bob Oksner, but it might be Winslow Mortimer.

We begin with our cover story, "Don't Believe What They Say About Me" drawn by Winslow Mortimer and Jack Abel. Kathy has a bad reputation for dating too many boys she doesn't love, so when she finally meets Noel and falls in love, she's afraid he will learn about her past and drop her.

Next up is "Blind Date" drawn by Artie Saaf and Vince Colletta. Sherry is bored with her fiancee Jeff and asks her friend to set her up on a blind date, but she can't go through with it and realizes that she only wants to be with Jeff after all.

This is followed by "Two Kinds of Men!" by persons unknown and reprinted from Girls' Romances #66 (1960). Suzanne is torn between Will, who's shy and doesn't really know how to behave on a date, and confident Andy, who doesn't always treat her right.

We end with "Price Tag on Love" drawn by John Rosenberger. Melissa's mother wants her to marry someone rich, but when she matches up Melissa with Foster Wynne III, it turns out that his family isn't as wealthy as everyone thinks

Edited by Dorothy Woolfolk.

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