Friday, March 18, 2016

Teen Titans #33

Teen Titans #33 (On Sale: March 18, 1971), has a cover by Nick Cardy.

This issue features "Less Than Human?" by Bob Haney, George Tuska, and Nick Cardy. Continuing from the last issue, Kid Flash and Mal remain trapped in an alternate timeline. The sorcerer Jupiterius has offered to help if the Titans can pass two tests, Kid Flash successfully passes the first. Mal then must overcome his own fears to pass the second. When he successfully completes the test, Jupiterius sends the Titans back in time to the moment they changed history.

Mal and Kid Flash once again face an attack by an angry caveman. This time, they don't accidentally kill him. The Titans are then returned to their own time period, but the caveman comes with them. The Titans cage the caveman, dubbed Gnarrk, the only word he speaks. The team then works tirelessly to civilize the caveman and teach him to trust and communicate.

Lilith forms a special bond with Gnarrk. During a trip into the city, Gnarrk becomes separated from the Titans. Lilith finds him and brings him back, but while on his own, Gnarrk witnessed a criminal deal involving a city councilman. The Titans then work with Gnarrk to ensure his testimony will stand up in court. Gnarrk successfully testifies, and the councilman is convicted. This is not a great issue of TT. The story is lame, really lame and the artwork by Tuska and Cardy is a step below the pure Cardy of recent issues. The removal of Dick Giordano as editor is really taking its toll.  Reprinted in Showcase Presents: Teen Titans Vol. 2 TPB (2007).

Edited by Murray Boltinoff.

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