Friday, March 4, 2016

Flash #206

Flash #206 (On Sale: March 4, 1971), has a nice cover by Neal Adams

This issue begins with the Flash in  "24 Hours of Immortality" by Robert Kanigher, Irv Novick, and Murphy Anderson. A plane carrying Susan Logan and her son crashes into a car driven by William Kandel. Susan's son and William's wife are killed. Susan and William's prayers to save their loved ones are answered by two aliens. A bargain is struck. Timmy and Sylvia are restored to life, but Susan and William will die the following day. During that day, both will be immortal.

Kandel next finds himself caught in the crossfire caused by some escaped convicts. He is shot while Flash rounds up the crooks. Flash is amazed that Kandel survived. He then hears the story. He decides to help Kandel complete an important surgery on a patient before the doctor's day is up.

Flash then seeks out Susan, who has entered a daredevil competition. The competition is threatened by a nearby forest fire, but the Flash quenches the blaze. Susan then wins the competition by falling to Earth without opening her parachute.

When their time is up William and Susan meet the aliens again. Flash intervenes on their behalf, hoping to spare their lives. The aliens try to kill the Flash, but his powers keep him alive. The aliens are impressed, so they decide to leave. William and Susan are given a second chance at life.

Our back-up feature is the Elongated Man in "Showdown in Elongated Town" by Cary Bates and Dick Giordano. The Elongated Man finds himself in a western ghost town with no idea how he got there. The town appears to be elongated too. Suddenly a man appears who attempts to shoot Ralph with a ray gun. Ralph escapes and he eventually realizes he is wearing contact lenses which distort his vision. Once the lenses are removed, the town returns to normal. He then deduces the true identity of his foe, the Mirror Master. Elongated Man then captures the rogue and jails him until the proper authorities arrive.

Edited by Julius Schwartz.

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