Thursday, November 19, 2015

Superboy #171

Superboy #171 (On Sale: November 19, 1970), has a cover by Carmine Infantino and Murphy Anderson.

"Dark Strangler of the Seas" is by Frank Robbins, Bob Brown, and Murphy Anderson and features Superboy and Aquaboy (Aquaman as a teen). Superboy helps two fishermen drag an oil-covered boy out of the ocean. Superboy removes the oil and is introduced to Aquaboy. The water breathing teenager explains that he encountered an oil tanker leaking oil into the ocean which was killing marine life. When he tried to intervene, the tanker crew covered him in oil and left him for dead.

Superboy and Aquaboy team up. They approach the head of the oil company demanding that they stop the pollution. When the company refuses, the two teens disrupt the shipment of oil. The company strikes back. They use Aquaboy's girlfriend Marita as bait to lure Aquaboy into a trap. Superboy saves his friend and puts an end to the evil company. However, the battle against pollution continues to be a struggle around the globe.

In a one-page epilogue, it is explained that Superboy's adventures have been moved forward in time to the 1950s in order to keep pace with the adult adventures of Superman who remains perpetually 29 years old. This story has been reprinted in Best of DC #7 (1980) and Superboy: The Greatest Team-Up Stories Ever Told TPB (2010).

Edited by Murray Boltinoff.

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