Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Phantom Stranger #11

Phantom Stranger #11 (On Sale: November 17, 1970), has another great cover by Neal Adams

The book-length "Walk Not in the Desert's Sun..." is by Gerry Conway and Jim Aparo. Mysterious disappearances strike the east coast. The Phantom Stranger senses a connection with a strange triangle spotted in the night skies around the world. When a pyramid appears suddenly in Sudan, the Phantom Stranger crosses the ocean to investigate. On the plane, he meets Lynn Berg, a woman returning to her homeland after years of living abroad. When they arrive, Lynn witnesses her brother Teddy killed by terrorists. Lynn is enraged. She attacks and brutally kills the terrorists before she disappears.

The Phantom Stranger heads for the pyramid where he finds Lynn and the other people held captive. The Stranger is captured by Tannarak who claims to be an anointed messiah of hate. The Phantom Stranger opposes him and discovers his power comes from an alien computer. The computer analyses the Stranger and Lynn and realizes it erred. It thought all humanity was evil. To correct its error, the computer self-destructs. Tannarak is caught in the blast, but the Stranger escapes to safety with Lynn. However, the experience has damaged her mind. Reprinted in Showcase Presents Phantom Stranger Vol. 1 TPB (2006).

Edited by Joe Orlando.

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