Friday, May 14, 2010

Strange Adventures #225

Strange Adventures #225 (On Sale: May 14, 1970) has another nice cover by Joe Kubert.

We begin with Adam Strange in "The Radio-Active Peril" by Gardner F. Fox,  Carmine Infantino and Murphy Anderson and reprinted from Mystery in Space #64.  A billion years ago on Rann,  Carlon Zan was exiled into space aboard a ship. Passing through a time warp turned Zan's ship radioactive and transported Zan to present-day Rann. Adam Strange arrives on Rann to find the city of  Ranagar glowing radioactive.

In a lead-lined bomb shelter below the city, Adam learns that  Carlon Zan's very touch turns people and objects radioactive, and that the city hastily built these bomb shelters to protect the people. Adam Strange studies films of Zan’s arrival and notices that one of his footprints does not become radioactive. Ranagaran scientists study the footprint and determine that a rare element, Malybium, counteracts the radioactive man’s touch. Using a gun designed to spray Malybium, Adam and the Ranagarans stop Zan’s movement, and he is changed into lead.

Next is the cover-story, "The Wooden World War" by John Broome, Sid Greene and Joe Giella and reprinted from Mystery in Space #33. By the 27th century, all wood on Earth had been destroyed (Broome predicting the destruction of the forests by men of greed). When people began to die in buildings made of wood due to a strange poisonous gas the wood emitted, all wood on Earth is burned. Once all wood was destroyed, invaders from space arrived and cut down the Earth's fighting corps. It is discovered that the only thing that can resist the invader's death rays is wood and that the whole poisonous gas thing was a hoax (oh, the Trumpers would love this!). Hendricks, a guard at the Museum of Flight reveals that he secretly hid the old WW I biplanes and with them, the Earth is saved.

When they received not a single letter regarding his issue #223, they had letters written by Sergius  O'Shaugnessy (Denny O'Neil), Marv Wolfman and Harvey Nussbaum.

We end with the Atomic Knights in "Menace of the Metal-Looters" by John Broome and Murphy Anderson and reprinted from Strange Adventures #141. A race of aliens arrive on Earth in search of a rare metal called Zaxion, which only exists on post-nuclear war worlds. The aliens' search brings them near Durvale. Radiation given off by the alien devices causes the humans in town to become weak. Only the armor of the Atomic Knights resists the radiation.

Hollis and Wayne are out on a scouting expedition and the first to encounter the aliens. They try to talk to them, but the aliens realize the Knights' armor is made of Zaxion. Before being captured the brothers signal Gardner. Gardner and Bryndon rescue their friends and chase off the alien invaders. Once the aliens leave Earth, the radiation that caused human weakness disappears.

Edited by Julius Schwartz.

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